Tanzania emblem

United Republic of Tanzania

The National Kiswahili Council (BAKITA)

Tanzania emblem

BAKITA Sections

This Section will perform the following activities:
  1. Provide translation and interpreting services within and outside the United Republic of Tanzania
  2. Coordinate and provide short-term training for building and strengthening the capacity of local translators and interpreters
  3. Write articles and other translation and interpreting texts
  4. Prepare translators and interpreters database within the United Republic of Tanzania
  5. Control quality of translation and interpretation works
  6. To review and approve translated documents by various trusted institutions or the National Kiswahili Council registered agents
  7. Conduct research on translation and interpretation issues

TThis Section will perform the following activities:

  1. Prepare vocabularies and technical terms for standardization and coordinate the standardization
  2. Compile a list of standardized vocabularies and technical terms and disseminate them
  3. Compose general and specialized dictionaries for various fields of knowledge
  4. Conduct research on dictionaries and terminologies
  5. Write articles and other texts on dictionaries and terminologies for the Lugha Yetu journal and other needs
  6. Kufanya utafiti wa masoko ya bidhaa na huduma zinazotolewa na Baraza
  7. Run short-term courses on dictionary and terminology compilation for those who need
  8. Collect Kiswahili texts and integrate them into the National Kiswahili Corpus

This Section will perform the following activities

  1. Coordinate preparation and implementation of the Medium Term Strategic Plan, Annual Action Plans and Budgets in line with the government budget
  2. Carry out monitoring and evaluation of the Council's plans
  3. Compile reports on implementation of projects, programs and action plans
  4. Manage the preparation and implementation of the investment programmes of the Council
  5. Conduct research on Council's activities
  6. Develop and implement resource mobilisation strategies

This Section will perform the following activities

  1. Review and approve usage of correct Kiswahili in various texts
  2. Provide Kiswahili courses for foreigners
  3. Provide short-term training for people with special needs about Kiswahili language and literature
  4. Write articles and other texts about Kiswahili language and literature
  5. Conduct and publish research on Kiswahili literature
  6. Read and edit book manuscripts and other Kiswahili texts
  7. Organize Kiswahili writing competition at various levels of education
  8. Run and coordinate training for students conducting projects relating to Kiswahili
  9. Coordinate and conduct cultural exhibitions

Procurement Management Unit

This Section will perform the following activities:

  1. Collect and manage revenues
  2. Undertake Bank reconciliation
  3. Prepare Final Accounts and other Financial Statements
  4. Bank cash and cheques
  5. Pay cash/cheques to employees and service providers
  6. Record/ reconcile all imprest issued
  7. Reply to audit queries
  8. Provide monthly, quarterly, half and annual income and expenditure reports of the Council
  9. Manage preparation of all accounting records and ensure that they have been submitted to the respective place
  10. Review and prepare financial regulations